ArchCare Expands Network of Care with Montefiore Health System
“ PACE will do everything for me, when it comes to doctors, transportation…and therapy, which has been very helpful to me and my mother.” — Maria, participant daughter
ArchCare Senior Life is a community-based healthcare program for people 55 years of age and older who require nursing-home-level care, but prefer to receive it at home.
We coordinate all your medical needs 24/7.
- At home Physical Therapy program
- Home Health Aides
- Prescriptions delivered to participant’s home
- At home visits by Occupational Therapist
- At home recreation visits
- Wound care
- Nutritional counseling
- Palliative care
- Eye care, dental care, foot care and hearing aids
- Day Health Center with health clinic, meals, recreation, social activities & more
Benefits to Your Office
- Patient stays at home | 24/7 coordinated care
- Dedicated Nurse Practitioner
- Less work for your office | Reduction of administrative burden
Community Based PCP
Patients can keep their PCP and enroll in our PACE Program
Referral Form: Click here to download.
ArchCare and Montefiore Patient Brochure (English): Click here to download.
ArchCare and Montefiore Patient Brochure (Spanish): Click here to download.
A Letter to Montefiore PCPs: Click here to download.
An Informational Flyer: Click here to download.
To Send a Referral: e-Fax at 646-304-7131 or securely email
Fall Intake Form: Click here to download.
Incident Intake Form: Click here to download.
For more information, contact Cheryl Sanchez, Director of Growth Partnership:, 646-901-3884

This page was last updated on Wed, 01/12/2022 – 14:10
Participants may be fully and personally liable for the costs of unauthorized or out-of-PACE program agreement services.
The information contained on this ArchCare website is provided as a community service. It is provided as an educational resource and should not take the place of the advice and recommendations of your personal physician. If you have or suspect you have a health problem, please visit a healthcare professional.
Discrimination is Against the Law ArchCare complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. ArchCare does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. ATENCIÓN: si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1 866-263-9083 (TTY: 711). 注意:如果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電1 866-263-9083 (TTY: 711)